Fossum, K., Binder, J., Madsen, T., Aarseth, W. og Andersen, B.: Success factors in global project management, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2020, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 128-152, DOI 10.1108/IJMPB-09-2018-0182
Fossum, K., Aarseth, W. og Andersen, B.: Exploring scenario development – a case study of two collaborative research projects, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2020, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 340-366, DOI 10.1108/IJMPB-08-2018-0145
Jünge, G., Alfnes, E., Kjersem, K. og Andersen, B.: Lean project planning and control: empirical investigation of ETO projects, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 1120-1145
Ahmad, Saad B. S., Mazhar, Muhammed U., Bruland, Amund, Andersen, Bjørn, Langlo, Alexander og Torp, Olav: Labour productivity statistics: a reality check for the Norwegian construction industry, International Journal of Construction Management, Vol. 20, Iss. 1, pp. 39-52, 2020
ElWakeel, Omar & Andersen, Bjørn: Stakeholder evolution: a study of stakeholder dynamics in 12 Norwegian projects, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 13, Iss. 1, s. 172-196, 2020
Haaskjold, Haavard, Andersen, Bjørn og Langlo, Jan Alexander: In search of Empirical Evidence for the Relationship Between Collaboration and Project Performance, Journal of Modern Project Management, Iss. 22, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2020
Hajikazemi, Sara, Aaltonen, Kirsi, Ahola, Tuomas, Aarseth, Wenche & Andersen Bjørn: Normalising deviance in construction project organizations: a case study on the collapse of Carillion, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 38, No. 12, s. 1122-1138, DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2020.1804069
Ngereja, Bertha, Hussein, Bassam, & Andersen, Bjørn: Does Project-Based Learning (PBL) Promote Student Learning? A Performance Evaluation, Education Sciences, Vol. 10, Iss. 11, 2020
Larsen, Anne Strand Alfredsen, Karlsen, Anniken Th & Andersen, Bjørn: Hospital project front-end planning: Current practice and discovered challenges, Project Leadership and Society, Accepted 26 October 2020,
Haaskjold, Haavard, Andersen, Bjørn, Langlo, Jan Alexander & Aarseth, Wenche Kristin: Follow the collaboration compass, International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, accepted 2020
Swarnakar, V., Singh, A. R., Antony, J., Tiwari, A. K., & Cudney, E. (2021). Development of a conceptual method for sustainability assessment in manufacturing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 158, 107403.
Swarnakar, V., Singh, A. R., Antony, J., Tiwari, A. K., Cudney, E., & Furterer, S. (2020). A multiple integrated approach for modelling critical success factors in sustainable Lean Six Sigma implementation. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 150. Doi: 10.1010/j.cie.2020.106865.
Talapatra, S., Uddin, M. K., Antony, J., Gupta, S., & Cudney, E. (2020). An empirical study to investigate the effects of critical factors on TQM implementation in the garment industry in Bangladesh. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 37(9/10), 1209-1232.
Trakulsunti, Y., Antony, J., Edgeman, R., Cudney, E., Dumpsey, M., & Brennan, A. (2021). Reducing pharmacy medication errors using Lean Six Sigma: A Thai hospital case study. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. doi: 10.1080/14783363.2021.1885292
Rodgers, B., Antony, J., & Cudney, E. (2021). A critical evaluation of organizational readiness for continuous improvement within a UK public utility company. Public Money & Management. doi: 10.1080/09540962.2020.1868127
Rodgers, B., Antony, J., Edgeman, R., & Cudney, E. (2021). Lean Six Sigma in the public sector: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(5-6), 528-540.
Alexander, P., Antony, J., & Cudney, E. (2021). A novel and practical conceptual framework to support Lean Six Sigma deployment in SMEs. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.
Manickam, B.K., Parameshwaran, R., Antony, J., & Cudney, E. (2021). Framework for lean implementation through fuzzy AHP-COPRAS integrated approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. doi: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3089691.
Antony, J., McDermott, O., Sony, M., Cudney, E., Snee, R.D., & Hoerl, R.W. (2021). A study into the pros and cons of ISO 18404: Viewpoints from leading academics and practitioners. The TQM Journal. doi: 10.1108/TQM-03-2021-0065.
Antony, J., Viles, E., Torres, A. F., Fernandes, M. M., & Cudney, E. (2021). Design of experiments in the service industry: Results from a global survey and directions for further research. The TQM Journal. 33(5), 987-1000.
Antony, J., Viles, E., Torres, A.F., Paula, T.I., Machado, M.M., & Cudney, E. (2020). Design of experiments in the service industry: A critical literature review and future research directions. The TQM Journal, 32(6), 1159-1175.
Bhat, S., Antony, J., Gijo, E.V. & Cudney, E. (2020). Lean Six Sigma for the healthcare sector: A multiple case study analysis from the Indian context. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 37(1), 90-111.
Barsalou, M. (2021). Statistics spotlight: A Rule(r) to remember. Quality Progress. 54, (1), 50-51.
Barsalou, M. and Saraiva, P. M. (2021). Statistics spotlight: The big deal with small data. Quality Progress. 54, (5), 43-45.
Barsalou, M. and Jose, H. (2020). Statistics spotlight: A glimpse of reality. Quality Progress. 53, (6), 46-47.
Barsalou, M. (2020). Field notes: A DFMEA by any other name. Quality Progress. 53, (6), 42-45.
Barsalou, M. and Schuelka, S. (2020). Statistics spotlight: Remember what Dr. Box said. Quality Progress. 53, (5), 44-45.
Barsalou, M. (2020). Statistics spotlight: Close enough? Quality Progress. 52, (10), 46-48.
Arangdad, Shaghayegh and A. Blanton Godfrey (2021), “Rethinking Critical Processes for Combating a Pandemic,” Proceedings of The Textiles Biomaterials Informatics Symposium 14th World Conference, July 2021.
Arangdad, Shaghayegh R. and A. Blanton Godfrey (2021), “Understanding the Challenges of Providing PPE in the U.S. during COVID-19,” 18th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, May 11-13. Accepted for publication by Naval Postgraduate School.
Davenport, Thomas H.; A. Blanton Godfrey and Thomas C. Redman (2020), “To Fight Pandemics, We Need Better Data,” Sloan Management Review, August 25.
Finkenstadt, Daniel J.; Robert Handfield; A. Blanton Godfrey; Eugene S. Schneller and Peter Guinto (2020), “A Commons for Supply Chain in the Post COVID-19 Era: The Case for a Reformed Strategic National Stockpile,” Milbank Quarterly, November, pp. 1-33.
Seelbach CL, Brannan GD. Quality Management. 2020 Apr 24. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan–. PMID: 32491437.
Klein TA, Seelbach CL, Brannan GD. Quality Assurance. 2020 Apr 29. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan–. PMID: 32491435.
Chalmers R, Brannan GD. Organizational Culture. 2020 Jul 27. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan–. PMID: 32809378.
Chan, C. Y. P., Chin, K., Chan, C., Tsui, K. L. (2019). An analysis of passengers' ride needs of urban rail transit services: Application of quality function deployment. International Journal of Quality Innovation, 5(8).
Chin, K., Yang, Q., Chan, C. Y. P., Tsui, K. L., & Li, Y. (2019). Identifying passengers' needs in cabin interiors of high-speed rails in China using quality function deployment for improving passenger satisfaction. Transportation Research Part A, 119, 326-34
H.-P. Lu and C.-T. Su (2021), “CNNs Combined with a Conditional GAN for Mura Defect Classification in TFT-LCDs,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 34 (1), 25-33.
F.-M. Su and C.-T. Su (2020), “TFT-LCD Contrast Ratio Improvement by Using Design for Six Sigma Disciplines,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 33 (1), 128-139.
Materla, T., & Cudney, E. (2020). An integrated methodology for evaluating patient service quality. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31(15-16), 1738-1759.
Materla, T., & Cudney, E. (2019). An exploration of patient satisfaction attributes using the Kano model. Journal for Quality and Participation. 42(3), 18-26.
Mousavi, S., Khani Jazani, R., Cudney, E., & Trucco, P. (2020). Quantifying the relationship between lean maturity and occupational health and safety: Antecedents and leading indicators. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 11(1), 150-170.
Ramlie, F., Muhamad, W., Jamaludin, K.R., Dolah, R., Cudney, E., & Dollah, R. (2020). A significant feature selection in the Mahalanobis-Taguchi system using modified-bees algorithm. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 13(1), 117-136.
Ramori, K., Cudney, E., Elrod, C., & Antony, J. (2021). Lean business models in healthcare: A systematic review. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(5-6), 558-573.
Cardona, T., Cudney, E., Hoerl, R., & Snyder, J. (2020). Data mining and machine learning retention models in higher education. Journal of College Retention: Research, Theory, & Practice. doi: 10.1177/1521025120964920.
Cudney, E., Venuthurumilli, S., Materla, T., & Antony, J. (2020). Systematic review of lean six sigma approaches in higher education. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31(3-4), 231-244.
Hundal, G. S., Thiyagarajan, S., Alduraibi, M., Laux, C., Furterer, C., Cudney, E., & Antony, J. (2020). Lean Six Sigma as an organizational resilience mechanism in healthcare during the era of COVID-19. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. doi: 10.1108/IJLSS-11-2020-0204.
Kush, P., Cudney, E., Materla, T., & Antony, J. (2021). Systematic literature review of quality maturity matrix. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(3-4), 289-297.
Barclay, R., Cudney, E., Shetty, S., & Antony, J. (2021). Determining critical success factors for lean implementation. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. doi: 10.1080/14783363.2021.1894919
Dedhia, Nevin. Business Transformation: Essential for the Success and Growth’, Pages 13 – 15, 20; Quality Striving for Excellence, Periodic Newsletter, NCQM, Mumbai, India, Vo. VI, No. 4 Oct - Dec, 2018,
Deleryd, M. and Fundin, A. (2020) “Towards societal satisfaction in a fifth generation of quality – the sustainability model”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
Hallencreutz, J., Deleryd, M., Fundin, A. (2020) “Decoding sustainable success”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence., John. "Quality and Metacognition" Journal for Quality and Participation. July 2019. Vol. 42 No.2.
Dew, John. "The Right Mix" Quality Progress. May, 2021.
Dew, John. "Project by project" Quality Progress. May 2023.
L.C.E. Huberts, R.J.M.M. Does, B. Ravensteijn & J. Lokkerbol (2021), “Predictive monitoring using machine learning algorithms and a real-life example on schizophrenia”, Accepted for publication in Quality and Reliability Engineering International.
A. Kuiper, R.H. Lee, V. van Ham & R.J.M.M. Does (2021), “A reconsideration of Lean Six Sigma in healthcare after the COVID-19 crisis”, Accepted for publication in International Journal of Lean Six Sigma.
L.C.E. Huberts, M. Schoonhoven & R.J.M.M. Does (2020), “Monitoring student progress: A case study to predict student success or failure”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Quality Technology.
B.A. Lameijer, J. Antony, A. Chakraborty, R.J.M.M. Does & J.A. Garza-Reyes
(2020), “The role of organizational motivation and coordination in continuous improvement implementations: An empirical research of improvement project success”, Accepted for publication in Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.
R.J.M.M. Does, R. Goedhart & W.H. Woodall (2020), “On the design of control charts with guaranteed conditional performance under estimated parameters”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36(8), pp. 2610-2620.
R. Goedhart, M. Schoonhoven & R.J.M.M. Does (2020), “Nonparametric control of the conditional performance in Statistical Process Monitoring”, Journal of Quality Technology 52(4), pp. 355-369.
M.D. Diko, R. Goedhart & R.J.M.M. Does (2020), “A head-to-head comparison of the out-of-control performance of control charts adjusted for parameter estimation”, Quality Engineering 32(4), pp. 642-652.
M.D. Diko, S. Chakraborti & R.J.M.M. Does (2019), “An alternative design of the two-sided CUSUM chart for monitoring the mean when parameters are estimated”, Computers & Industrial Engineering 137, article number 106042.
M.D. Diko, S. Chakraborti & R.J.M.M. Does (2019), “Guaranteed in-control performance of the EWMA chart for monitoring the mean”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International 35(4), pp. 1144-1160.
L.C.E. Huberts, M. Schoonhoven & R.J.M.M. Does (2019), “The effect of continuously updating control chart limits on control chart performance”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International 35(4), pp. 1111-1128.
Drljača, M., Štimac, I., Vidović, A., Petar, S., "Sustainability of the Air Cargo Handling Process in the Context of Safety and Environmental Aspects", Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 2020, Article ID 1232846, 2020.
Štimac, I., Vidović, A., Mihetec, T., Drljača, M., "Optimization of Airport Capacity Efficiency by Selecting Optimal Aircraft and Airline Business Model", Sustainability, 12, 3988, 2020.
Drljača, M., Štimac, I., Bračić, M., Petar, S., "The Role and Influence of Industry 4.0 in Airport Operations in the Context of COVID-19," Sustainability, 12, 10614, 2020.
Drljača, M., Petar, S., Raad, M., Štimac, I., "The role and position of Airport City in the Supply Chain, Journal Production Engineering Archives, Vol. 26, No. 3, Poland, 2020.
Štimac, I., Pivac, J., Bračić, M., Drljača, M., "The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Future Airport Passenger Terminals Design", International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2021.
Fundin, A., Lilja, J., Lagrosen, Y., Bergquist, B. (2020) “Quality 2030: quality management for the future”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
Van Kemenade, E.A., Hardjono T.W. (2018) “Twenty-first century Total Quality Management: the Emergence Paradigm”, The TQM Journal, vol 31, issue 2, pp. 150-166
Vermaelen, N., & Kovach J.V. (in press). Driving meeting effectiveness through organizational process improvement – A Lean Six Sigma case study, Organizational Dynamics (DOI:
Choo, A.S., Kovach J.V., & Fredendall, L.D., (in press). Effects of surprises during quality improvement projects: A longitudinal study on method-driven learning in behavioral healthcare, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2019.2926643).
Carden, L., & Kovach, J.V., and Flores, M. (2021). Enhancing human resource management in process improvement projects, Organizational Dynamics, 50(2), 1-6.
Ponder, A., & Kovach, J.V. (2021). Signature solutions – Getting unstuck from print-sign-scan processes using Lean methods, Quality Progress, 54(5), 36-42.
Kovach, J.V., & Flores, M.N. (2021). Streamlining admissions to outpatient substance use treatment using Lean methods, Journal of Substance Use, 26(3), 306-312.
Kovach, J.V., & Akhuli, M. (2020). Reducing the length of clinic visits: A process analysis case report, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 35(1), 409-416.
Kovach, J.V., & Ingle, D. (2020). An approach for identifying and selecting improvement projects, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31(1/2), 149-160.
Kovach, J.V. (2019). Data: Guilty until proven innocent – Use alternative measurement system analysis techniques to avoid making erroneous decisions with costly business results, Quality Progress, 52(9), 28-37.
Kovach, J.V., & Dash, A. (2019). Using the Lean Six Sigma methodology to reduce mouse cage sanitation time for animal care and use programs, Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 58(5), 551-557.
Kovach, J.V., & Ingle, D. (2019). Using Lean Six Sigma to reduce patient cycle time in a nonprofit community clinic, Quality Management in Health Care, 28(3), 169-175.
Hutchins, H., & Kovach, J.V. (2019). ADVANCING women academic faculty in STEM careers: The role of HRD in supporting institutional change toward gender and racial equity, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 21(1), 72-91 (invited, issue received ADHR outstanding issue award).
Lai, Lotto K.H. (2021) “Fostering enginpreneur: From university to accelerator in Hong Kong startup ecosystem”, The Journal of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Vol. 49, May 2021, pp.16-19.
Lai, Lotto K.H. (2020) “Case study: revamp of an engineering course and students’ feedback on online teaching during COVID-19”, The Journal of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Vol. 48, Oct 2020, pp.20-23.
Lai, Lotto K.H. (2019) "Introduction of ISO 50001 Framework and Case Study in Hong Kong" Energy & Environmental Division Newsletter, America Society for Quality (ASQ), Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp.2-6 (February 2019).
Lai, Lotto K.H. (2019) “The Logic of Innovation: Extenics” (創新之理則—介紹中國原創學科「可拓學」), Hong Kong Society for Quality (香港品質學會), Dec 2019.
Lai, Lotto K.H. (2019) "Introduction of ISO 50001 Framework and Case Study in Hong Kong" Energy & Environmental Division Newsletter, America Society for Quality (ASQ), Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp.2-6 (February 2019).
Molnár Pál (2021). IAQ állásfoglalás és kiáltvány a globális minőség megújításáról (IAQ Position Paper: Revitalizing the Global Quality Manifesto). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 55(2), 103-104.
Molnár Pál (2021). Minőség-Innováció 2020" pályázat nemzeti és nemzetközi eredményei ("Quality-Innovation 2020" - Results of National and International Competition). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 55(1), 95-98.
Molnár Pál (2020). A fenntartható élelmiszerellátás kihívásai (Challenges of Sustainable Food Supply). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 54(1), 3.
Molnár Pál (2020). A minőségügy helyzete világméretekben és Magyarországon 2018-ban (State of Quality in the World and in Hungary in 2018). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 54(4), 367-373.
Molnár Pál és Tóth Csaba László (2020). A Minőség 4.0 helye, szerepe és megvalósításának lehetőségei (Position, Role and Implementation of Quality 4.0). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 54(2), 119-131.
Molnár Pál (2020). Minőségmenedzsment az élelmiszeriparban (Quality Management in the Food Industry). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 54(1), 101-109.
Molnár Pál (2019). A minőségügy helyzete világméretekben és Magyarországon egy tanulmány alapján (State of Quality in the World and in Hungary Based on a Study). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 53(4), 319-325.
Molnár Pál (2019). Bevezetés a gyökérok-elemzésbe (Introduction into the Root Cause Analysis). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 53(2),149-154.
Ngo, Nhon. Position Paper: Revitalizing the Global Quality Manifesto). Minőség és Megbízhatóság (Quality and Dependability), 55(2), 103-104.
Osada, Hiroshi. “Kaizen Advantage” 2019
Vandenbrande, Willy. Quality For a Sustainable Future, March 2019 issue of Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
Vandenbrande, Willy. The Role of Quality Management in Ensuring a Sustainable Planet, January 2020, The Journal for Quality and Participation.
Vandenbrande, Willy. Getting to Normal, Exploring SPC's new role in today's production environment, Quality Progress, February 2020
Books and Chapters
*Members names are in bold
Gamme, Inger, Andersen, Bjørn, Raabe, Håkon & Powell, Daryl: Value Chain Integration – A Framework for Assessment, in Lalic, B. et al. (Eds.): APMS 2020, IFIP AICT 591, pp. 243–249, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Published by Springer Nature Switzerland.
Antony, J., Ashby, S., Ghadge, A., & Cudney, E. (2020). Lean Six Sigma journey in a UK higher education institute: A case study. In J. Antony, R. Sreedharan, and A. Chakraborty (Eds.), Lean Six Sigma for higher education: Research and practice. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
Antony, J., Laux, C., Cudney, E., & Sundar, V. (2019). Ten commandments of LSS: A practical guide for senior executives and business leaders. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Brooks, E., Rao, A., Harnden, A., Mills, L., Alderson, T., McQuiston, J., and Brannan, G.D. Chapter 1: Quality improvement education for medical students: a systematic review. In: Jespersen, EA, ed. Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of Medical Students. New York: NOVA Science Publishers, Inc. 2019: 1-29.
Cudney, E., Murray, S., & Kueny, C. (2021). Determining patient satisfaction indicators in a rural wound care center. In J. Kalra, N. J. Lightner, and R. Taiar (Eds.), Advances in human factors and ergonomics in healthcare and medical devices (pp. 499-506). London, UK: Springer.
Cudney, E., & Furterer, S. (2020). Lean Six Sigma in higher education: State-of-the art findings and agenda for future research. In J. Antony (Ed.), Lean Six Sigma in higher education: A practical guide for continuous improvement professionals in higher education (pp. 23-42). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Dietrich, D., Kenworthy, M., & Cudney, E. (2019). Additive manufacturing change management: Best practices. New York, NY: CRC Press.
Nembhard, H., Cudney, E., & Coperich, K. (2019). Emerging frontiers in industrial and systems engineering: Success through collaboration. New York, NY: CRC Press.
Hardjono, T. W. and Van Kemenade, E.A. (2020), The Emergence Paradigm in Quality Management. A way Towards Radical Innovation, Cham: Springer
Hardjono, T. W. and Van Kemenade, E.A. (2020), The Emergence Paradigm in Quality Management. A way Towards Radical Innovation, Cham: Springer
Lai, Lotto K.H. (2019) “The Logic of Innovation: Extenics” (創新之理則—介紹中國原創學科「可拓學」), Hong Kong Society for Quality (香港品質學會), Dec 2019.
Lai, Lotto K.H., Tong, Aaron W.K., Chin, K.S. & Tsang, A.H.C. (2019) “The Road to Management for High Quality-40 years of Total Quality Management in China (1979-2019): Part I, Chapter 3: Hong Kong's Way to Total Quality Management” (通向高質量發展的管理之路 - 全面質量管理在中國40年(1979-2019): 第一部分, 第三章: 香港走向全面質量管理之路, 中國質量協會編著, 中國科學技術出版社.)
Position/ White Papers
*Members names are in bold
Sachdev, A., Barsalou, M., and Moosa, Kamran. (2021). Making online education effective.
Barsalou, M. (2020). Simple hints to help trainers improve training quality.
Barsalou, M. and Saraiva, P. (2020). Training and teaching statistical methods for Quality.