Quality in Logistics Think Tank (QiLTT)

Chair:  Miroslav Drljača

Co-Chair: Grace D. Brannan


Understand the synergy and interdependence of logistics and secure supply chains and the importance of establishing and maintaining a balance between supply and demand globally, for the stability of the world economy and the quality of life of all citizens on the planet. Understanding the role of quality as a business philosophy and practical action, in ensuring the smooth running of logistics processes and in crises. Research of the generic model of logistics processes to ensure the normal functioning of supply chains and the balance between supply and demand, in the part concerning global supply chains and in the context of crises.


Members From IAQ:

Ayed T. Alamri – Saudi Arabia

Juhani Anttila – Finland

Grace D. Brannan – USA

Elizabeth A. Cudney – USA

Pál Molnar – Hungary

Hesameddin Aref Kashfi – Iran

Pedro M. Saraiva – Portugal

Miroslav Drljača – Croatia

Luca Urciuoli – Sweden (non IAQ)

Hu-Chen Liu – China

Benson Tendler – Austria

Patricia C. La Londe - USA

Edwin Garro, Costa Rica

Raul Molteni, Argentina

Behzad Behdani, Norway (non IAQ)

Omer Ozkan, Turkey (non IAQ)

Future Plans

IAQ QiLTT's members at their research and discussions aimed at producing relevant contributions related with alternative approach to understanding global phenomena such as logistics, for the future development. Define the role of quality in each of logistic areas with a focus on bringing knowledge and creating useful outputs to promote prosperity, freedom, safety and democracy for all the people of the world.

QiLTT Meeting Information

Important Publications

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