

Raul Molteni


Lars Sorqvist


Yukihiro Ando

Board of Trustees

Yukihiro Ando

Paulo Sampaio

Raul Molteni

Beth Cudney

Pedro Saraiva

John Dew

Sunil Sinha

N. Ramanathan

Lars Sorqvist

Vice Presidents

VP Communications

Catherine Chan

VP Conferences

Pedro Saraiva

VP Publications

Grace Brannan

VP Secretary-Treasurer

Paulo Sampiao

VP Research

Juju Antony

VP Examining

N. Ramanthan

Committee and Activity Leaders

Chair Awards Committee: Shinichi Sasaki
Chair By-Laws Committee: Paulo Sampaio
Chair Committee of Companions: Azat Abdrakhmanov
Chair Communications Committee: Catherine Chan
Chair Conference Committee: Pedro M. Saraiva
Chair Dell’Anna Doctoral Dissertation Prize Committee: TBA
Chair Ethics Committee: Janak Mehta
Chair Examining Committee: N. Ramanathan
Chair Founders Medal Committee: Liz Keim
Chair Marcos Bertin Medal Committee: Raul F. Molteni
Chair Nominations Committee: Liz Keim
Chair Publications Committee: Grace D. Brannan
Chair Walter Masing Book Prize Committee: Tilo Pfeifer
Chair Yoshio Kondo Research Prize Committee: Shinichi Sasaki
Co-Chair, Order of Quality Honor Committee: Janak Mehta
IAQ Representative to ISO/TC-176: Juhani Anttila
IAQ Representative to ISO/TC-69: Glenn Mazur 

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