Quality in Planet Earth Concerns Think Tank (QiPECTT)

Chair: Willy Vandenbrande (IAQ Academician)

Vice-Chair: Sunil Sinha (IAQ Academician)

"Bring planet earth concerns to the mainstream of Quality Management and introduce Quality Management into Planet Earth Concerns"

Sharing Our Articles Published in Quality Progress

One of the best known magazines in the world of quality is Quality Progress, the flagship publication of the American Society for Quality (ASQ). The May 2024 Issue of the magazine is devoted to discussing the link between quality and sustainability.

As the current Chair of the Quality in Planet Earth Concerns Think Tank (QiPECTT) of IAQ, I am very proud to inform you that members of the Think Tank have made a huge contribution to this issue.

My article “Fresh Spin” is the cover article and it gives an overview of the link between quality and sustainability. The article can be found on pp. 14 – 19 of the May 2024 Issue. It can also be accessed via https://asq.org/quality-progress/articles/fresh-spin?id=0954387d6fca4805a55b0302ed1205d7

In addition I want to draw your attention to the great article Conserve Your Energy", written by

our TT members Somayeh Rokhgireh and John Dew, that shows how quality practitioners can help reduce energy costs. An important topic for any organization. The article can be found on pp. 20-25 of the May 2024 Issue; and, ASQ members could access this article with the link:


This is a great achievement by the QiPECTT members and an great honor for IAQ.

Willy Vandenbrande


Hesam Aref Kashfi (IAQ Academician); John Robert Dew  (IAQ Academician); Lars Sörqvist (IAQ Academician, IAQ President and IAQ Board Member); Mats Deleryd (IAQ Academician); Narayanan Ramanathan (IAQ Academician and IAQ Board Member) ; Raúl Molteni (IAQ President Elect, IAQ Academician and IAQ Board Member);  Anders Fundin (IAQ Associate Academician); Somayeh Rokhgireh. 

Future Plans

  •  Project work with the Quality Sustainability Award (QSA) 2021, the second year running. Through partnerships with China, India and Sweden we are promoting the link between quality and sustainability. Local awards will attract more projects and add to the importance of the award.
  • Continuous thought work on what quality (and IAQ and this TT) can do for Planet Earth Concerns, thinking about the scope of our application field and the kind of actions to take within this scope. To do this we will go through a strategy exercise taking into account overall IAQ strategy towards TT’s.
IAQ Special Activity

Important Publications

White paper “How Companies Can Apply Quality to Address Planet Earth Concerns”, N. Ramanathan & Willy Vandenbrande, to be found on the IAQ Website.

Embedding Sustainability into Quality Assurance, TQM & BE Journal, December 2020, DOI 10.1080/14783363.2020.1858712; N. Ramanathan

The Role of Quality Management in Ensuring a Sustainable Planet”; The Journal for Quality and Participation, W. Vandenbrande, January 2020

Quality for a Sustainable Future”; Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, March 2019, W. Vandenbrande

For a full list of activities and publications: see attachment ”Bibliography of QiPECTT papers ˄LO presentations March 2021.docx”.

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