IAQ Membership

IAQ members are nominated by current IAQ members. It is not through individual application. 

Who are the members of IAQ?

Academicians are invited proportionately from among the major regions of the world and are approximately divided into thirds from Asia, America, and Europe-Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Individuals may not apply for membership as the Academy identifies and recruits both thought leaders and exceptional practitioners to receive invitations for membership. Currently, members represent over 45 nations. 

Quality of IAQ membership definition

  • Excellence, expertise in the field
  • National, company, and/or professional leadership
  • Track record of accomplishments, academic and/or applications
  • Excellent communication (oral, written, languages)
  • Commitment

Membership success factors

  • Expert knowledge and wide experience
  • Ability to communicate
  • International involvement
  • Ability to travel
  • Strong position in "home country"
  • Collective knowledge of quality organizations
  • Commitment to scientific approach to quality
  • Personal, not linked to organizations
  • Willingness to share ideas
  • Engaged in continuous improvement of quality
  • Mixed academic base experience
  • Mature personality, humor, and tolerant

Honorary Members


Marco E. J. Bertin

IAQ Honorary Member, Argentina


Dr. Tito Conti

IAQ Honorary Member



Dr. H. James Harrington

IAQ Honorary Member



Noriaki Kano

IAQ Honorary Member

Kano Quality Research Office, Japan


Janak Mehta

IAQ Honorary Member

TQM International Pvt Ltd, India


Sr. Mary Jean Ryan

IAQ Honorary Member

Former Chair SMS Health Systems



Lennart Sandholm

IAQ Honorary Member

Sandholm Associates, Sweden


Dr. Hans Dieter Seghezzi

IAQ Honorary Member

University of St. Gallen, Liechtenstein


Dr. Gregory H. Watson

IAQ Honorary Member

Business Excellence Solutions, Finland

Academician Emeritus


Antonio de Almeida, Jr.



Dr. Bo (Lennart Sigvard) Bergman

Chalmers University of Technology



Dr. Kenneth E. Case

Oklahoma State University, USA

(deceased in 2024)


Dr. Robert E. Cole



Dr. Kostas N. Dervitsiotis



Dr. Miflora M. Gatchalian



Dr. Hitoshi Kume

The University of Tokyo, Japan


Dr. Way Kuo

City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong


David B. Luther



Dr. Madhav Sinha



Dr. Kenneth S. Stephens



Dr. Mohamed Zairi

United Kingdom


Dr. GOH Thong Ngee

National University of Singapore



Deceased Members and their Memoriam

Navin S. Dedhia, USA

Deborah Hope, USA

Hans Dieter Seghezzi, Germany

Ken S. Stephens, USA

Mohamed Zairi, UK

Tetsuichi Asaka, Japan

Yoji Akao, Japan

Masashi Asao, Japan

Asbjørn Aune, Norway

Soren Bisgaard, Denmark

George E. P. Box, USA

Michèle Boulanger, France

Riccardo Dell'Anna, Italy

Armand V. Feigenbaum, USA

William Golomski, USA

C. Jackson Grayson, USA

Akira Harada, Japan

Deborah L. Hopen, USA

John D. Hromi, USA

Spencer Hutchens, USA

Masumasa Imaizumi, Japan

Keijiro Inoue, Japan

Kaoru Ishikawa, Japan

Kotaro Ito, Japan

Gopal Kanji, India

Masao Kogure, Japan

Yoshio Kondo, Japan

Ikuro Kusaba, Japan

Yuanzhang Liu, China

Walter Masing, Germany

Shigeru Mizuno, Japan

Kenzo Sasaoka, Japan

Viktor Seitschek, Austria

Shoichi Shimizu, Japan

Francis R. Steer, UK

Genichi Taguchi, Japan

Mamoru Yamaguchi, Japan

Takanori Yoneyama, Japan

Tadashi Yoshizawa, Japan

Hermann Zeller, Germany

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